Tuesday 17 May 2011

Everyone's doing it!

There are some who call me Erik.

Is your name on Blogger your name in real life? If not, what letter does your real name start with?
Isn't my blogger name Erik? Go figure.

Astrological sign?
Taurus. No bull. Well, yes, actually, but... you know.

If there was a huge 'Blogspot Get-Together' where all bloggers were meant to come together and meet in real-life, would you go?
All bloggers? I only know about ten.

Have you ever rejected someone?
I refused to get my brother a drink... a few tenfold times.

If so, was it harshly?
I threw his cup back at him.

Did they cry?
Not after he got used to it.

Have you ever tried a cigarette?
Straight edge.

Have you ever been high? If so, on what?
I don't think so. At least, not as far I can remember.

What are six things you find attractive when in the opposite gender?
"This sounds ridiculously shallow and I would like it noted that this is the first time I've properly given thought to this kind of thing."
-Priya S, Expert at Life.

1. Must not be an idiot.
2. Must accept the fact that I'm atheist.
3. Books are cool. Agree with me.
4. Will never say "I'm too stupid for that." like my family does when I introduce them to something I like. Believe me, Sir Thopas is hilarious if you give it some thought!
5. Something random. Never hurts.
6. Looks never hurt. I don't really care, though. Is it true that no girl think of herself as beautiful?

What are five things you find extremely unattractive in the opposite gender?
Oh, come on. Take the opposite of the answers above. Except 5, since the opposite of randomness is generally more randomness.

Answer only if you have a sibling: If your sibling wasn't your sibling, do you think you'd ever find him/her attractive and go out with him/her?
You have got to be effing kidding me.

Would you ever eat a caterpillar?
Nah. I'm boring like that.

Would you rather kiss a random stranger on the street of the opposite gender or tickle a random stranger on the street of the opposite gender?
Neither. Come on, survey.

Would you rather throw up on stage or fart on stage?
Depends on the loudness of said fart.

Would you ever sneak out of the house at night?
I snuck out once, but I was sleepwalking.

Which five bloggers will you be tagging to take this survey as well?
Five? No.


  1. "not as far I can remember"
    ...we all know what that means.

    Just kidding, of course. You know le Zehra loves you muchly. :3

    But really. Try to remember. ;)

  2. I'm flattered (and bewildered) that you think I am an "expert at life". :)
    I wonder who would actually answer "yes" to the sibling question...

  3. Where'd you sleepwalk to?


Go on. Throw things at me.