Tuesday 22 March 2011

The grass is always greener on the other side.

Fortunately, you're someone else's other side too.

Everything that happened I deemed too uninteresting to write about. I started doubting whether my judgments of interestingness were too strict when the skiing vacation didn't make the cut. Nonetheless it is high time for an update... I think it has almost been two months.
Of course, this requires me to find an interesting subject to write on. And with a lack of awesomeness in my personal life, what's better to write about than local news? That's something you people don't know about anyway. So...

Today's headline: "ING-top renounces bonus and salary increase."

The ING is an important bank. I don't know whether it operates internationally or not, but I assume you've never heard of it. The director and two managers were somehow egligible for an enormous bonus almost equal to their yearly salary, and apparently they also were planning on giving themselves a 2% raise for the next year. With the word "bonus" being absolutely taboo after recent events involving Ahold and whatnot, the public response was predictable: Google history shows an increase of about 1200% in the search term "cancel ING account," there have been quite a lot of actual cancellations already, and the local medium for politicians to communicate with people, Twitter (Yes. We're pathetic like that.), almost exploded with #ing tags.

ING's response, five days later, was that they didn't anticipate people's reaction caused by the bonuses, and they did not foresee "the damage this would do the the restoring trust of our customers and the community in us." BS, if you ask me. Only morons could not have seen this coming. Oh, wait.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?! The skiing vacation wasn't deemed interesting enough to write about?! You're crazy. But we knew that anyway.

    Now, what the hell were ING thinking? What with the whole Credit Crunch thing in the UK being caused by bankers and their ridiculous salaries SURELY they can't have been THAT stupid to give themselves bonuses and then think it wouldn't have any consequences! Oh wait, they were. Yeesh... then they wonder why there was a credit crunch and why there isn't enough money to do anything.
    Kinda makes you wonder about the sanity of some of these people, doesn't it...


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